News Snapshot:
Daily roundup of research and analysis from The Globe and Mail’s market strategist Scott Barlow Scotiabank REIT analyst Mario Saric recaps top picks, details his belief that private deals will signal a soft landing for the sector, “CAD REIT avg. Q1 year-over-year FFOPU [funds from operations per unit] and SSNOI [same store net operating income] growth = 1.4% (Q4 = +1.6%) and 4,3%, with FFOPU +0.4% and -0.6% vs. Scotia and consensus. Our 2024E/2025E AFFOPU [adjusted funds from operations] fell 0.4%/0.6% vs. 0.7%/1.0% for consensus; IFRS FV [fair value]as % of unit price fell 1% vs. 3% in Q4 and...