Rajgir’s rediscovery is as complex as its history-12 archaeologists unravelled its mysteries

Source: theprint.in theprint.in

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Archaeologists have also explored the Jivakamravana vihara, a monastery donated to the Buddhist sangha by Bimbisara’s doctor, Jivaka. Excavations were also conducted around the city’s fortification wall and the royal residential complex. Despite this meticulous work spanning two centuries, it seems like we’ve only scratched the surface. This is why a team from the Archaeological Survey of India Excavation Branch III, headed by Sujeet Nayan, began fresh investigations at Rajgir with new perspectives and agendas, aided by modern scientific analyses and technologies. Delving into the history and significance of Rajgir in shaping the politics and socio-cultural landscape of ancient Magadh...