Apex Legends EMEA team makes history as the first team with two women in the pro league

Source: dotesports.com dotesports.com

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For the first time in Apex Legends esports history, a team has competed with a majority-female roster in the SLHD. Kornelia “Sabz” Zawistowska and Kyri “Kyri” Taha played alongside David “AlphaDraft” Ciura on Phoenix Legacy, finishing in ninth place, placing higher than week one winners Element 6. Recommended Videos Until Jan. 27, 2024, there had never been more than one woman competing in any region’s Pro League at a time. However, Phoenix Legacy’s new roster marks what many hope will be a sign of greater gender diversity in the ALGS. Luminosity Gaming’s “WeThePeople” remarked that Sabz and Kyri were “leading...